A huge issue in mailling circles right now, scale maille flowers have been around since 2007 and yet a very greedy, unpleasant person is trying to claim as her own and has even copyrighted them.
This copyright will not stand up in court as it can be proven that the design pre-existed her copyright.
A very interesting article has been written about the current issues here: http://maillecopyright.wordpress.com/2010/08/12/scale-flowers/
I have made scale flowers since 2008 (1 year before the supposed copyright) and I will continue to do so despite this person's bullying tactics. I encourage all others to do so as well. You can buy the scales from here in the UK: http://www.beadsisters.co.uk/pages/scales.htm
and here in Canada/US: http://theringlord.com/cart/shopdisplaycategories.asp?id=184&cat=Scales
There's a tutorial on how to make them here: http://www.mailleartisans.org/articles/articledisplay.cgi?key=150998
This picture shows my hair clips/barrettes available to buy on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/CorvusRedcrow
and Folksy: http://www.folksy.com/shops/Corvus
These are NOT copyrighted as they are of a different design to those causing the controversy.
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